Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My First Blog!

This is my first post and I think I'm going to enjoy blogging! What a wonderful way to share ideas with others, as I did while teaching. I've researched "blogging" from many sources and I have learned a lot. Still, I plan to learn much more.

I have many ideas to share, not only about my fabric art but also about; Free Resources, Seasonal Activities, Arts & Crafts, Tips and Ideas, and much more. I'm excited about sharing, but I do plan to learn from creative people across the globe. I use photography in conjunction with my fabric art, greeting cards, and tile art; therefore, I'm anxious to learn about new techniques in these areas.

Now, the thought of "global sharing" does make me a bit nervous. However, I've prognosticated long enough. I'm stepping out on faith. I have everything to gain!

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