Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Use Creativity to Start A Business

Fabric Art Ideas was the topic I had planned to talk about today. However, after seeing the weather report this morning, I became more concerned about those people who have lost their jobs, and those who are now snowed in as well. I imagine they are wondering where to turn, or what to do with themselves. I can sympathize but, I don't have the solutions to the job market situation or the causes relative to it. However, I was suddenly reminded of what happened to me years ago, when I was "snowed in" in Germany. I hope my account of being without a job, combined with a small action I used to deal with that crisis, will be an inspiration in some way.

Snow continually fell, and the ice was heavy as usual in Karlsruhe, Germany. The weather remained that way throughout most of the winter months. I wasn't working, and being snowed in for days was more than I thought I could bare. My family needed money, and I felt worthless because I wasn't employed.

I knew that I had to help the family in some way, therefore, I started by making changes around the house. I felt that would at least lift everyone's spirits, including mine. I decorated the house every week, by making some changes, no matter how small they were. I interchanged color schemes between rooms, and switched the fabric pillows and curtains to different rooms. I rearranged wall art, and framed old family photos. I added buttons and beads to other frames. I did wood carvings and made colorful ink prints. I framed the prints and hung them throughout the house. I was proud of my contributions and my feelings of worthlessness changed drastically.

Any simple activities can make a difference for you as well. Here are some other projects I did. I made pillows from fabric with bold colors, and I decorated the pillows with ribbons, buttons, and tassels. I turned old lamp shades into new ones by adding trimmings and beads. The more I created, the more fun I had. Before long, my family was enjoying the decorating activities as well.

If you're snowed in or have unfortunately lost your job, as many other people have, why not use this time to create. Who knows, you might just stumble onto an idea that could turn into an online business or some other kind of business. Sometimes when unforeseen things happen to us, though devastating as they may be, it could be the very thing that gives you the momentum to get up and try something new. You may even become your own boss! I did, and I believe, doing those small projects was a partial lead to my business today.

Have faith and... Create today!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Fabric Art, My Inspirations

I was an Art teacher some years ago. However, I put my art aside to open a business, which I operated for many years. Then, I retired six years ago. I thought things were going to be exciting! Three months later, I became extremely bored and depressed. However, I pulled myself together and took inventory of my skills. I volunteered, read books, traveled and I did other things. Still, nothing seemed to be enough for me. Then one day, I sat down and thought about my childhood days, when life was less demanding, and less complicated; when I simply enjoyed the friendship of other children and the joy we had playing games.

At the age of six, I designed Paper Dolls and paper dolls clothes. As a matter of fact, my Paper Doll drawings were in big demand by my peers. They even paid 3-5 cents per design! And once my friends saw the many other Paper Dolls I had designed for myself, they wanted more. Soon, I was designing paper dolls and dresses for every little girl in the neighborhood. My piggy bank grew and so did my love of art.

Reflecting on my childhood days was inspirational. Still, I was uncertain about what I should do with my life. But uncertainty vanished, within the next few days, when I picked up a pair of scissors, and began experimenting with fabric. I did not realize what I was cutting, and it did not matter. I discovered that I was extremely relaxed and happy to simply cut fabric!

I soon realized that I was cutting shapes of people and I became excited as a child. I could cut fabric into active characters that represented real people! I could cut unique characters, such as; musicians, children, people in church, dancers, struggling people, weddings, etc. Later, I would call my new found art...Lifestyles By Rybba. Since that day, each character I have cut, represents someone who has influenced my life.

That was how I started my journey into a wonderful new career of Fabric Art. And, it all happened because I reflected on my memories, my inspirations. The memory of cutting Paper Dolls allowed my mind to settle on something relative to my life, something I had been passionate about. It was my impetus to tap into my creativity again.

I encourage you to do likewise. Reflect on the past. At times, it is a wonderful place to visit. You might also find that one special thing that will motivate you.

Mind Searcher
How or why did you enter your field of interest? Were you inspired by; a tradition, an entertainer, struggles, a hurricane, or maybe by a dance? Please feel free to share your comments with us. We'd like to know!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My First Blog!

This is my first post and I think I'm going to enjoy blogging! What a wonderful way to share ideas with others, as I did while teaching. I've researched "blogging" from many sources and I have learned a lot. Still, I plan to learn much more.

I have many ideas to share, not only about my fabric art but also about; Free Resources, Seasonal Activities, Arts & Crafts, Tips and Ideas, and much more. I'm excited about sharing, but I do plan to learn from creative people across the globe. I use photography in conjunction with my fabric art, greeting cards, and tile art; therefore, I'm anxious to learn about new techniques in these areas.

Now, the thought of "global sharing" does make me a bit nervous. However, I've prognosticated long enough. I'm stepping out on faith. I have everything to gain!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Fabric Talkers

This is a place where you can sit right down, put your feet up, be creative and share ideas with others and, you don't have to be a visual artist to join us. We will be exchanging ideas and sharing our thoughts about Fabric Art/Fabric Art and more. At times though, we'll just talk about the "Fabric of Life". Of course...You're invited.

Fabric Art /Fiber Art

Many artists refer to Fabric Art/Fiber Art, as art made from any fiber, which may include fabric, yarn, wood, glass, etc. My fabric art is basically may from fabric. Categories aside, I just love creating and enjoying Art in any form or fashion, no matter how it is created.

Each month a "Mind Searcher"will be posted. It's fun and all about being creative. Do join us!